
Domain Registration Prices

Please contact us if the domain extension you are looking for is not in the list below. We can add support most domain extensions upon request.

As of March 15, 2024, we have raised our .ca domain pricing due to the 11% wholesale price increase from CIRA on September 1, 2023.

.biz$29.95$29.95contact us††
.info$34.95$34.95contact us††
.mobi$39.95$39.95contact us††
.us$29.95$29.95contact us††
.ws$37.50$37.50contact us††

Renewal pricing for domains already registered may vary. The correct price will be shown during the renewal process.

Multi-year discounts may apply.

††Domain transfers for this extension are handled manually and pricing may vary. Please contact us for current transfer pricing and/or to transfer a domain with this extension to Lexicom.